Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Meet the Clans: The MacGuffies

Yes it's the multi-culti Clan we know and love, the MacGuffies.

As Mike Rhone shared with us last month, this is the Clan that takes in orphans. And Clan adoptee Sean agrees: "by far the best...because we're all international and stuff. We may be Scottish, but we also have an Australian patriarch and two adopted kids from Asia (Kimberly and me.) How could any other clan possibly beat that?"

That's Norman Luce, Shane Olbourne (the Patriarch, Angus...doesn't he look young to be a Patriarch?) on floor (note "Angus" on his barrel) Kimberly Wong, Sean Fenton (in back), Michael Rhone (who is Sandy, the candy seller), and Liz Hodge (the matriarch)

Shane, your a devishly handsome young Australian son of a gun!!! Keep up the good work. Bradles
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